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A. Prose
1. Mahatma Gandhi (from autobiography)
2. A letter to GOD (G.L. Fuentes)
3. The Sniper (Liam ‘O’ Flaherty)
4. Three questions (Leo Tolstoy)
5. The merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)

B. Poem
1. Sympathy (Charles Mackey)
2. Fear No more (William Shakespeare)
3. Animals (El Bsor Ester)
4. Fire and Ice (Robert Frost)
5. Camels of the kings (Leslie Norries)

C. Story
1. The thief’s story (Ruskin Bond)
2. Bholi (K. A. Abbas)
3. Jurmana (Munsi Premchand)
4. The tempest (William Shakespeare)
5. King Lear (William Shakespeare)

D. Grammer
1. Use of non-finites
2. Sentence connectors (as, since, while, then, just because, just until)
3. Clause with what, where and how
4. Tens
5. Modals

E. Letter writing
1. Informal letter
To father:- for replacing watch and propose to spend the money, To brother:- advising to study hard and study hard including advise to avoid bad company, To friend:- inviting to sped vacation and thanking him for your nice stay with him, To uncle:- describing an educational trips or picnic.
2. Formal letter
To headmaster or principal:- for providing computer learning facility, requesting him to grant you a leave for five days, and to make a book available in library. To the editor:- about the need to check noise pollution in the city To the telephone authorities:- about dead telephone To bookseller:- for sending books for approval To the postmaster:- complaining against the postman
3. Transformation, punctuation

F. Short Paragraph
1. Health is wealth
2. Value of games
3. A birthday party
4. The season or the book I like most
5. Prize distribution function of your school
6. The wonders of science
7. A hot summer day
8. My visit to a historical place
9. Dowry system in india
10. My hobby
11. A scene at a village fair
12. Population problem
13. My school garden
14. Life without television
15. If , I am a teacher
16. School magazine
17. Newspaper
18. A school picnic
19. Morning walk



  1. गद्य
  2. कान दान (स्व्य प्रकाश)
  3. दुःख का अधिकार (यशपाल)
  4. मुक्ति ()
लाल गुलाब (मेहरुन्निसा परवेज)
  1. पाठशाला (चंद्रधर शर्मा गुलेरी)
  2. खेल (जैनेन्द्र कुमार)
  3. कविता
  4. तोड़ती पत्थर (सूर्या कांत त्रिपाठी निराला)
  5. गुलाबी चूड़ियाँ (नागार्जुन)
  6. हिंदी जन की बोली है (गिरिजा कुमार माथुर)
  7. भिक्षुक (सूर्या कांत त्रिपाठी निराला)
  8. बसंत (रघुवीर सहाय)
  9. जो बीत गई सो बात गई (हरिवंश राय 'बच्चन')
  10. साखियाँ (कबिर)
  11. मेरी कुण्ठा (दुष्यंत कुमार)
  12. कहानी
  13. पंच परमेश्वर (मुंशी प्रेमचन्द)
  14. पुरस्कार (जयशंकर प्रसाद)
  15. बिंदा (महादेवी वर्मा)

ऊ. व्याकरण
१. क्रिया - भेद अकर्मक, सकर्मक, वाक्य भेद - मिश्र वाक्य, अव्यय समुच्चय बोधक, क्रिया विशेषण, अन्य अविकारी शब्द,
वाच्य कर्तृ, अकर्तृवाच्य। पुनरावृति
२. समाज - अव्ययीभाव, अनेकार्थी शब्द, तत्पुरूष, कर्मधारय, द्विगु, द्वंद्व, बहुब्रीहि, पुनरावृति
ए. (रचना) निबंध
१. आदर्श विद्यार्थी, जीवन में खेलों का महत्व, दहेज प्रथा, समाचार-पत्र का महत्व, चलचित्रों का प्रभाव, बेकारी की समस्या,
विज्ञान-वरदान या अभिशाप, राष्ट्रीय एकता, विद्यार्थी और अनुशासन, परोपकार, साम्प्रदायिकता एक अभिशाप, कम्प्यूटर आज की जरूरत,
भारत की ब‹ढती जनसख्ंया, दिपावली, गणतत्रं दिवस (२६ जनवरी), समय अमूल्य धन है, बिरसा मुण्डा, मेरे प्रिय पुस्तक, मदिरा पान-
एक सामाजिक कलंक, महात्मा गांधी, प्रौ‹ढ शिक्षा।
ऋ. पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक एंव औपचारिक - पत्र)
१. पिता का - स्कूल फीस जमा करने हेतु पाँच सौ रुपए की माँग करें।, मित्र को - आपने गर्मी की छुट्टी कैसे बिताई।, छोटे भाई को- विद्यालय
में प्रथम स्थान पर उत्तीर्ण होने पर एक बधाई-पत्र।, मित्र को- उनकी सहायता के लिए उन्हें धन्यवाद का पत्र।, माता को-परीक्षा के तैयारी के
विषय में।, ग्रीष्मावकाश में किसी शैलावास की यात्रा करने के विषय में।, मित्र को- परीक्षा में प्रथम स्थान आने पर बधाई पत्र।
(प्रार्थना, धन्यवाद, शिकायती, शुभकामना, कार्यालयी, आवेदन तथा बधाई पत्र)
१. प्रधानाघ्यापक को - अवकाश के लिए आवेदन पत्र।, प्रधानाचार्य को- छात्रवृति के लिए प्रार्थना पत्र।, रेलवे अधिकारी को- यात्रा के दौरान अपने
समान की चोरी के बारे में।, पोस्टमास्टर को- अनियमित डाक-वितरण की शिकायती-पत्र।, स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी को- मच्छरों के ब‹ढते हुए प्रकोप
के संबंध में।, टेलीफोन विभाग के पदाधिकारी को- टेलिफोन लाईन में ग‹डब‹डी के संबंध में।, प्रधानाध्यापक को- छात्रावास में स्थान के लिए


नवमदशमश्रेणीभ्याम् संस्कृतभाषायाः प्रभाविशिक्षणार्थ विकसितः सम्प्रेषण-उपागम-आधारितः
द्विवर्षीयः एषः पाठ्यक्रमः। प्रायः अनुवादमाध्यमेन एव संस्कृतशिक्षणं प्रवर्तते येन छात्रेषु भाषागतकौशलानां सम्यक्
विकासः न भवति। अतः छात्रशिक्षकमध्ये कक्षासु संस्कृतभाषायाम् अन्तः क्रिया भवेत् येन छात्राः-
ऽ संस्कृतभाषायां श्रवणावसरं लभेरन्ः
ऽ सरलसंस्कृतवाक्यानि श्रुत्वा अर्थम् अवगच्छेयुः
ऽ कक्षासु सामान्यव्यवहारे निपुणाः भवेयुः
ऽ संस्कृतगद्यस्य पद्यस्य च मौनवाचने सस्वर-शुद्ध-उच्चारणे च सक्षमाः भवेयुः
ऽ निर्दिष्टशब्दूसचीसाहाय्येन सरलसंस्कृतवाक्येषु अनुच्छेदलेखने, पत्रलेखने योग्यतां धारयेयुः इति एतानि
पाठ्यक्रमस्य लक्ष्याणि।
सारांशतः संस्कृतेन श्रवण-भाषण-वाचन लेखनकौशलानां विकासः अपेक्ष्यते। छात्राः केवल कण्ठस्थीकरणं न कुर्युः
अपितु चिन्तनप्रेरकप्रश्नानां माध्यमेन तेषां मौलिकसर्जनात्मकशक्तेरपि विकासः भवेत् इति आशास्यते।
श्रवणं च भाषणम्
ऽ छात्राः कक्षासु शिटाचारपालने संस्कृतस्य प्रयोगं कुर्युः,
ऽ सरलनिर्देशान् श्रुत्वा तदनुसारं कार्यं कुर्युंः,
ऽ कक्षाव्यवहारे संस्कृतेन अनुमतिं प्राप्नुयुः,
ऽ सरलसंस्कृते प्रश्ननिर्माणे समर्थाः भवेयुः,
ऽ सरलसंस्कृतप्रश्नानां मौखिकरूपेण एकपदेन पूर्णवाक्येन वा उत्तराणि वक्तुं समर्थाः भवेयुः
ऽ वर्णानामः उच्चारणं श्रुत्वा उच्चारणस्थनां जानीयुः,
ऽ सरलसंस्कृतवाक्येषु भावप्रकटनसाम्र्य शुद्धवाक्यसरंचनाप्रावीणयं वा गृह्णीयुः।
वाचनस्य अन्तर्गते छात्रेषु अधोलिखिताः दक्षताः अपेक्ष्यन्ते -
ऽ प्रदत्तगद्यांशस्य पद्यांशस्य नाट्यांशस्य च मौनवाचनं, सस्वरवाचनम् अथ च भावपूर्णवाचनम्ः
ऽ गद्य-पद्य-नाट्यदिपाठ्यवस्तु पठित्वा भावबोधनम्ः,
ऽ सरलवाक्यानि पठित्वा पद-विशेषम् आधृत्य प्रश्ननिर्माणम्ः
ऽ पाठ्यांशमधिकृत्य शीर्षकप्रदानम्ः
ऽ पद्यानाम् अन्वयेषु समुचिशब्दैः रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः
ऽ पद्यानाम् प्रदत्तभावार्थेषु रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः
ऽ क्रमरहितवाक्यानि पठित्वा मौखिकरूपेण क्रमनिर्धारणम्ः
लेखनमधिकृत्य अघोलिखिताः दक्षताः अपेक्षिताः-
ऽ देवनागरीलिपिज्ञानम्, संयुक्तव्य्ज्नलेखनम्, स्वरव्य्जनसंयोगेन शब्दनिर्माणम्, शब्दानां, वर्णविन्यासः,
ऽ वाक्येषु प्रातिपदिकानां सविभक्तिप्रयोगः
ऽ कर्तृपदैः सह क्रियायाः अन्वितिः
ऽ विशेषण-विशेष्यपदानाम् अन्वितिः
ऽ कृतृ-तद्धितप्रत्ययानां सहायतया वाक्यनिर्माणम्ः
ऽ कथनमाधृत्य प्रश्नलेखनम्ः
ऽ अव्ययानां सार्थकशुद्धप्रयोगः
ऽ विरामचिह्नानां समुचितप्रयोगः
ऽ घटनाक्रमानुसारम् अनुच्छेदस्य लेखनं, कथालेखनं पत्रादिलेखनं चः
ऽ प्रदत्तसूचीसाहाय्येन प्रश्ननिर्माणम्ः
ऽ अथ्भनन्दन-निमंत्रण-वर्धापनपत्राणं निर्माणं, प्राचार्यं प्रति च प्रार्थनापत्रलेखनम्ः
ऽ प्रदत्तवार्तालापे रिक्तस्थानपूरणम्।
ऽ संस्कृतस्य समानान्तरसूक्तीनां सुभाषितानां संग्रहणम् प्रदर्शनच्च।
ऽ विविधप्रतियोगितानाम् आयोजनं श् लोकोच्चारणम्, कथोपकथनं भाषणं, नाट्यांशनाम् अभिनयश्च
ऽ संस्कृतभाषावाक्यप्रयोगमाश्रित्य विविधक्रीडासु प्रतिभागित्वम्।
ऽ शब्दकोशस्य प्रयोगे नैपुण्यविकासय छात्राणं स्वकीयशब्दकोशनिर्माणम्।
ऽ विविध-अवसरेषु प्रयोगार्थम् अभिनन्दन-निमंत्रण-वर्धापनपत्राणं निर्माणम्।
ऽ संस्कृतभाषायं मित्तिपत्रिकासम्पादनम्।
ऽ विद्यालयस्य पत्रिकायां संस्कृतविभागस्य योगदानम्।
ऽ छात्रैः कृतस्य कार्यस्य प्रदर्शनी-आयोजनम्।
ऽ संस्कृतवाचनम् अधिकृत्य ध्वनिपट्टिकानां निर्माणम्।
छात्राः कक्षासु संस्कृतभाषायाः सम्यम् प्रयोगं कुर्युः। अतः तेषां वाग्व्यवहारस्य वाचनस्य पठनस्य लेखनस्य च
सततं व्यापकं मूल्यांकनमपेक्ष्यते। यद्यपि वार्षिक-बोर्ड-परीक्षासु प्रायः पठन-लेखनकौशलयोः एव परीक्षणं भवति
. 7 .
किन्तु अनयोः कौशलयोः आधारभूते तु श्रवण-भाषणे एव स्तः। अतः एते कौशले उपेक्षां न अर्हतः। एतदर्थ संस्कृतं
संस्कृतेनैव शिक्षणीयं येनछात्राः सम्यक् श्रवणावसरंभाषणावसरंच ल भेरन्। कक्षासु संस्कृत परकगतिविधिीनाम्
आयोनम्अ पिअवशयकंयेन छात्रेषु चिन्तनक्षमतायाः विकासः भवेत्। अतः अधोलिखितं सततं व्यापकं मूल्यांकनम्
अपेक्ष्यते -
दशमी कक्षा
्(मणिका-अभ्यासपुस्तकम्-्-प्प् आधारितम्)
1. 40-50 शब्दपरिमितः गद्यांशः (एकः सरलगद्यांशः) ः
ऽ प्रश्नोत्तराणि (3)
ऽ भाषिककार्यम् (2)
2. 80-100 शब्दपरिमितः गद्यांशः, एकः सरलगद्यांशः ः
(सरलकथा - घटनावर्णनम् वा)
ऽ प्रश्नोत्तराणि
ऽ समुचित शीर्षकप्रदानम् (6)
ऽ भाषिककार्यम् (2)
(प) वाक्येक त्तृक्रियापदचयनम्
(पप) कर्तृक्रिया-अन्वितिः
(पपप) विशेषणविशेष्य-अन्वितिः
(पअ) संज्ञास्थाने सर्वनामप्रयोगः अथवा सर्वनामस्थाने संज्ञाप्रयोगः
(अ) पर्यायं विलोमं वा पदं दत्त्वा अनुच्छेदे दत्तं पदचयनम्।
‘ख’ खण्ड ः (रचनात्मकंकंकार्यर्मम्)
्(मणिका-अभ्यासपुस्तकम्-्-प्प् आधारितम्) ः
3. संकंकेतेताधारितम् अनौपैपचारिकपत्रम् ः
4. संकंकेतेताधारितं संवंवादलेख्ेखनम् ः
5. चित्राधारितम् वर्णर्ननम् अथवा संकंकेतेताधारितम् अनुच्ुच्छेदेद-लेख्ेखनम्

्(मणिका-अभ्यासपुस्तकम्-्-प्प् आधारितम्) ः
6. सन्धिकार्यर्मम्
ऽ स्वरसन्धिः - दीर्घ, गुण, वृद्धि, यण्, अयादि, पूर्वरूपम्। (1)
ऽ व्यंजनसन्धिः - परसवर्णं, छत्वं, तुक्-आगमः, मोनुस्वरः वर्गीयप्रथमाक्षराणां (1)
ऽ तृतीयवर्णपरिवर्तनम्, प्रािमवर्णस्य पंचमवर्णें परिवर्तनम्।
ऽ विसर्गसन्धिः विसर्गस्य उत्वं, रत्वं, लोपः विसर्गस्थने स्, श्, ष् (1)
7. समासः (वाक्येषु समस्तपदानां विग्रह्रहः विग्रह्रहपदानां च समासः) ः
ऽ तत्वपुरूषः (विभक्ति, नत्र, उपपदः) (1)
ऽ कर्मधारयः (विशेषण-विशेष्यम्, उपमान-उपमेयम्)
ऽ द्विगुः
ऽ द्वन्द्वः (1)
ऽ बहुव्रीहिः सामानाधिकरणम् (1)
ऽ अव्ययीभावः (अनु, उप, सह, निर्, प्रति, यथा) (1)
8. प्रत्ययाः ः
ऽ अधोलिखित-प्रत्यययोगैः, वाक्यसंयोनजम्, रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः-
ऽ कृदन्ताः तव्यत्, अनीयर्, शतृ, शानच् (2)
ऽ तद्धिताः मतुप, इन्, ठक्, त्व, तल्। (2)
ऽ स्त्रीप्रत्ययौ टाप्, डीप्। (1)
9. अव्ययपदानि (कथायाम् अनुच्ुच्छेदेदे संवंवादे वा अव्ययानां प्रय्रयोगेगः) ः
अपि, इति, इव, उच्चैः, एव, कदा, कुतः, नूनम्, पुरा, मा, इतस्ततः, यत्, अत्र-तत्र, यत्र-कुत्र, इदानीम,
सम्प्रति यदा-कदा, यथा-तथा, यावत्-तावत्, दिना, सहसा, श्वः, ह्यः, अधुना, बहिः, वृथा, कदापि, शनैः,
10. वाच्यपरिवर्तर्ननम् (केवेवलं लट्ल्लकारे) े3 अंकाः
11. घटिकाचित्रासाहाय्य्येनेन अड्क्कानां स्थाने शब्देष्ेषु समय-लेख्ेखनम् ः
12. सड्ः्ःख्या एकतः पच्चपर्यनर््न्तं वाक्यप्रय्रयोगेगः। एकतः शतपर्यनर््न्तं संख्ंख्याज्ञानम् ः
13. वचन-लिड.ग-पुरुुरुष-लकार-दृष्ृष्ट्य्या संश्ंशोध्ेधनम् ः
. 9 .
(मणिका-अभ्यासपुस्तकम्-्-प्प् आधारितम्) ः
‘घ’ खण्डः (पठितः अवबोध्ेधनम्)
्14. पठित सामग्री्रीम आधृत्ृत्य अवबोध्ेधनमकार्यर्मम्
अ. एकः गद्यांशः (1 $ 2 $ 2)
आ. एकः पद्यांशः (1 $ 2 $ 2)
इ. एकः नाट्यांशः (1 $ 2 $ 2)
ऽ प्रति-अंशम् आधारितम् अवबोधनकार्यम् (1 $ 2)
प्रश्नोत्तराणि, रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिः
ऽ भाषिककार्यम्
(प) वाक्ये कर्तृक्रियापदचयनम्
(पप) कर्तृक्रिया - अन्वितिः
(पपप) विशेषणविशेष्य-अन्वितिः
(पअ) संज्ञास्थाने सर्वनामप्रयोगः अथवा सर्वनामस्थाने संज्ञाप्रयोगः
(अ) पर्यायं विलोमं वा पदं दत्वा अनुच्छेदे दत्तं पदचयनम्।
(अप) विशेषण-विशेष्यचयनम्, कर्तृक्रियाचयनम्
15. भावाबोध्ेधनम् (अंश्ंशद्वयम्) ्
(रिक्तस्थानपूर्तिद्वारा, विकल्पचयनेन, शुद्ध-अशुद्धमाध्यमेन, समभावसूक्तिमाध्यमेन वा)
16. अन्वये रिक्तस्थानपूूिर्तिर्ःः
17. प्रश््रश्ननिर्माणर््णम् (चत्वारः)
18. क्रमरहित-अष्टवाक्यानां कथाक्रमसंयंयोजेजनम् कथापूूिर्तिर्ःः वा
19. सन्दर्भर्--शब्दानां प्रय्रयोगेगः शब्दार्थर्--मेलेलनम् वा
1. मणिका (पाठ्यपुस्तकम्) भागः - 2 संशोधित संस्करणम् (के.मा.शि.बो. द्वारा प्रकाशितम्)
2. मणिका (अभ्यासपुस्तकम्) भागः - 2 संशोधित संस्करणम् (के.मा.शि.बो. द्वारा प्रकाशितम्)


  1. Reading Section

Composition :
1. Notice Writing
2. Story Writing
3. Report Writing

1. Sindhi (Bisraga-Sanskrit & Bengali)
2. Sadhu O Chalit Bhasha
3. Correction of Words
4. Transformation of sentences
5. Polysemous words (Eki shabder bibhinna arthe prayog nouns and adjectives)
Prescribed Grammer Book : Prabeshika Bangla Byakaran O Rachna by Nirmal Kr. Das
Published by : Oriental Book Co., 56, Suryasen Street, Kolkata-9.
Prescribed text Book : Path Sankalan (Latest Edition)
Published by : Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal, Kolkata

Prose :
1. Bhagirathir Utso Sandhane - by J.C. Bose
2. Vidyasagar - by Rabindranath Tagore
3. Pilli Sahitya - by Mohd. Shahidullaha
4. Padam Nadir Majhi - by Manik Bandyopadhaya.

Poetry :
1. Vibhishaner Prati Indrajit - by Madhusudan Dutta
2. Dui Bhigha Jami - by Rabindra Nath Tagore
3. Chhatra Dharam - by Kalidas Roy
4. Chheler Dal - by Satyendra Nath Dutta.
Supplementary Reader :-
Presdcribed Text Book : Raj Kahini (1986) by Abanindranath Tagore.
Published by : Anand Publishers, Kolkata
1. Padmini
2. Hambirer Rajya Labh




1. Comprehension of two unseen passage of about 150 words  followed by questions
2. Writing Skiolls
(i) Essay on Subjects of General inerest
(ii) Letter : (Formal and informal letter)
3. Grammer
The following elements of grammer are to be studied :

  1.  Fael : Hall-Mazi-Mustaqbil-Maroof-Majhool
  2.  Idioms and Proverbs
  3. Prefixes and Suffixes
  4. Synomyms and Antonyms
  5. Singular and Plural
  6. Gender
  7. Tarkeeb
  8. Izafat

3. Prose & Poem
Text book:-
i. gulzaar urdu (maun darsi) NCERT
ii. nawae urdu- NCERT


  1. Grammer

1. Transformation of sentences
(i) Positive negative,
(ii) Transfer:-Interrogative, exclamatory & statement sentences
(iii) Removal of idioms (from the text only)
(iv) Translation ofthe sentences from English to Gujarati

2. Change of sentences

(i) Transformation of active-passive voices
(ii) Change from singularto plural & vice-versa
(iii) Change of genders
(iv) Keeping correct punctuations in the given sentence
(v) Correction ofthe spellings (words to be given)

3. Change of Tenses

(i) Reframing of given sentences after changing their tenses as directed ego
Present to continuous present, past, future, complete present, past, future


(2) Composition

(a) Essay and story writing on the given points
(b) Letterwritinge.g. Social, Invitation, Personal, Official complaints inquiries
(3) (a) Comprehension of an unseen prose passage
(b) Precis writing


No. Title Author
2 Rohini ne tire Tran. Harivallabh Bhayani
5 Aangali Zaline dorje Tran. Kundanika Kapadia
6 Dariya Kinare Vadilal Dagli
10 Hindu Pankhi Maulana Jalaludin Rumi
12 Sangam Shobhna Sabarmati Ramprasad Shukla
13 Deshgaman Gandhiji
15 Abhalano Tukado Jayanti Dalal
17 Nanabhai Darshak
21 Pencil Chholata Mehtaji Ratilal Anil
24 Panch Pataranini Sevama ghara kam Yagnesh Dave


No. Title Author
1 Bholire bharavadan Narsinh Mehta
3 Manechak or Rakhoji Mirabai
4 Chhappa Akho
7 Sayankale Dalpatram
9 Manejoine udijata pakshoine Kalapi
11 Namu Sundaram
14 Sapoot Krishnalal Shreedharani
16 Chhelun darshan R.V. Pathak
18 Madhav Kyanathi Madhuvanman Harindra Dave
20 Aavyo chhunto Jayant Pathak
22 Ae lake Priyankant Maniar
23 Pal Manilal Desai
25 Duha Muktak

Prescribed Textbook -
‘Gujarati’ (Dwitiya Bhasha) forclass X (Ed. 2006) published by Gujarat
Rajyashalla Pathya Pustask Mandai Vidhyayan Sector 10 A, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat




I. Reading
Two unseen passagesof 200-250wordseach.
Passages will be factual and discursive in nature.
There will be questions for local comprehension besides
questions on vocabulary and comprehension of
higher level skill such as drawing inferences
and conclusions.

II. Writing
i. One Essay-descriptive, narrative, factual 8
ii. Official letters (busines letters, application for jobs,
leave applications, letterto the editor etc.)
iii. Report writing. (Making notes of important events
given and writing reports for newspapers,
magazines etc.)

1. Applied Grammar
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular
structures within a context. Test items would include
gapfilling, sentence completion, sentence re-ordering,
dialogue - completion and sentence transformation.
The Grammar, Syllabus will include the following areas
A. Different meaning F. Synonyms and Antonyms
B. Samasa G. Jodi Pada
C. Sandhi H. Dvirukhi -Anukarana
D. Tatsama - Tadbhava I. Vibhakti pratyaya
E. Making Sentences J. Analogy
- 17 -
One Proverb 2
Books for consultation
1. Prayoga Nandana Published by PUE, Bangalore
2. Prayoga Chandana Published by PUE, Bangalore
3. Hosagannada Vyakarana by Vidwan N. Ranganatha Sharma.
Published by Kannada Sahitya Parishat, Bangalore. 4. Bareyuva Dari by M. Vrishabhendra Swamy
Published by Geeta Book House, Mysore.


2. Text Books
Detailed Texts
Prose 25
Poetry 25
Question Pattern :

1. Multi choice questions (text and grammar)
2. Very short answer type questions carrying
one mark each
3. Short answer type questions
4. Short answer type questions
5. Long answer type questions
carrying 5 marks each
6. Questions on two unseen passages
7. Questions on proverbs
8. Letter writing: one official letter and one
9. Essaywriting
1. Detailed Text: Prose and Poetry
Prescribed book :

Kannada Kasturi.

Published by : Directorate of Text Books Banashankari-III Stage Bangalore.

Lessons to be studied :

(A) Prose : All lessons need to be studied.
(B) Poetry : All lessons need to be studied.


  1. Grammar:


(i) Transformation of sentences (based on the texts)
(ii) Vocabulary building
(iii) Sandhi and Samas
While giving the knowledge off or malgr ammar,
emphasis should be laid on its functional/applied
aspect so as to promote good under standing of the
language and to prmote appropriate linguistic skill.
2. Composition
(i) Essaywriting (Topics related to social issues,
family and school life).
(ii) Letter writing (applications, letter to the editor of
a newspaper, commercial correspondence)
3. Reading Comprehension of an unseen prose passage

  1. Prose
  2. Prescribed book:


'Kerala Pathavali' Vol No.IX (Edition 2003) (Only Prose Portion)
Published by Department of Education,
Govt. of Kerala, Trivandrum
Lessons to be studied :

  1. Poetry


Prescribed book :

'Kerala Pathavali' Vol No.IX (Edition 2003) (Only Poetry Portion)
Published by Department of Education, Govt. of Kerala, Trivandrum Poems to be studied
Mritha Sanjeevani
by Chandramathy Ayoor. Published by Early Bird Publication.


  1. Grammar:


  1. Transformation of Sentences

Rewriting and reframing of sentences with the given Proviso e.g.
Substitution of nouns with different genders, transformation of
active and passive voices, joining of different sentences together,
change of certain phrases, removal of idiom sand proverbs,
substitution of synonyms and antonyms, change from singular into
plural and vice versa.

  1. Change of tenses


Reframing of given sentences after changing their tenses as directed
e.g. Present to past, present to future, past to present, past to
future, future to past, future to present.
(iii) Correction of errors in the given sentences
2. Composition
(i)  Essay writing on reflective topics
(ii) Letter writing on official, Commercial topics
(iii) Precis Writing
(iv) Storywriting
3. Comprehension of an unseen prose passage

1. Prose
Sl. No. Lesson No. Author’s Name
1. 01 V.S. Khanderkar - EK Shikshak Jaiwanti Dalvi
2. 02 Suryaputrancha Desh Ramesh Mantri
3. 03 Pakshi Udoni gele Ravindra Pinge
4. 04 Darshan S.N Navre
5. 05 Shabda ... Shabda ... Shabda ... ! Ratnakar Matkari
6. 07 Chandra Shekhar Azad K.P Deshpande
7. 08 Matiche Ghar Manda Kadam
8. 09 Kamva Ani Shika Bhimrao Waghchoure
9. 10 Sang, tula Kai hava? Nasima Hurjuk
10. 11 Varkari Ravindra Pandhre

2. Poetry
1. 01 Santavani
(i) Aaji Soniyach Dinu Sant Gnyaneshwar
(ii) Viththal Viththal Gajari Sant Chokhamela
(iii) Aisa Putra Deie Sant Janabai
(iv) Mana Sajjana Sant Ramdas
2. 02 Khara Dharma Sane Guruji
3. 03 Aai Yashwant
4. 04 Sunder Gao N.M Shinde
5. 06 Aavhan AshokThorat
6. 07 Mazi Mulgi Pradeep Nifadkar
7. 10 Dhag Utroni Aale Sangeeta Barve

Prescribed book:
For prose and Poetry: ‘Marathi Vachanpath’ for Class X/ Published by Maharashtra Rajya MadhyamikVa
Uchcha MadhyamikShikshan Mandal, Pune -411010 (2007 Edition)
Sthool Vachan (Included in the Text Book) Marks
Stories to be Studied
1. 01 EK Swapna Hari Narayan Apte
2. 02 Gavtache Pate Kusumavati Deshpande
3. 03 Roop P.B Bhave
4. 04 Kanchiri Bhau Mandavkar
5. 05 Buruj Baburao Gayakwad


1. Grammar
(a) Transformationofw ords(nount oadjectiveand
adjectivet onoun)
(b) Sandhi (Byanjan and Bisarga)
(c) Samasa (Karmadharaya, Abyaibhaba and Bahubrihi)
(d) Transformation of sentences (Simple, Compound,
(e) Correction of common errors in words
(f) Idioms and Phrases
(g) Taddhita and Krudanta
(h) Punctuation marks
2. Comprehension of an unseen prose passage
(Five short questions to be asked)
3. Composition :
1. Essay Writing (Reflective)
2. Letter Writing (Business and Official)

1. Prose (for detailed study)
Prescribed Text : Ama Sahitya (c1ass-X), 2007, Published by Madhyamika
Shikshya-Parisad, Orissa
Lessons to be Studied :
1. Uchhabhilasha
2. Sehi smaraniya dibasa
3. Chitagribara Uchit Abhimama
4. Bidya o Bidyarthi
5. Oria Sahitya Katha (Adhunika bhagh)
2. Poetry (for detailed study)

Prescribed Text :
Ama Sahitya (C1ass-X), 2007, Published by Madhyamika
Madhyamika Shikshya-Parisad, Orissa

Poems to be studied :
1. Yudhishiranka dharma pariksha
2. Ramacharita Pradarshana
3. Badapana
4. Baishaka
5. Chhola puni ede se Birata
6. Grumapatha

3. Non Detailed study
Prescribed Text : Ama Galpa O Ekamkika, (c1ass-x), 2006,
Published by Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Orissa (all lessons to be studied)


1. Grammar:

A variety of questions as listed below will be included based on the application of grammar items:
(i) Word Building (Shabad Rachna) :
Aggetar, Pichhetar and Samasi Shabad
(ii) Parsing (Pad Vand)
(iii) Correction of words and sentences
(iv) Transformation of Sentences (Vak-Vatandra)
(v) Punctuation (Visram-Chinh)
2. Idioms and Proverbs
3. Essay Writing (Reflective)
4. Letter Writing (Business and Of ficial)
5. Precis Writing with a heading

1. Text Books
(1) Prose
(2) Poetry
(3) One Act Plays
(4) Short Stories
(5) Biographies



1. Applied Grammar:
1. Giving Grammatical Examples
2. Filling up the blanks
3. Rewriting as directed
An elementary knowledge of the followingto identifythem :
(i) PEYAR: Pannbupeyar, Thozhirpeyar, Vinayaalanaium peyar,
Aaghu peyar, Thinai, Paal, Idam and Vetrumai.
(ii) VINAl: Therinila and Kurippu Vinaimutru, Vinaiecham
Peyarecham, Eeval, Viyanhol, Mutrecham.
(iii) IDAICHOLANDURICHOL:De finitionofldaicholwith
Special reference to Ehaaram Ohaaram and Ummaiand
definition of Urichol with suitable examples.
(iv) PODU : Thohainilai and Thohaanilai, Vazhu, Vazhaanilai,
Vazhuamaithi and Marabu
2. Composition
(i) Essaywritinggivingon hints
(ii) Letter writing (Personal, Commercial &
Official Letters)
(iii) Report writing

  1. Comprehension of unseen passage

1. Poetry (i) Annotation(ii) Question
Tamil Taxt Book for Class X (2003 Edition),
Published by Tamilnadu Text Book Society, Chennai-6

 Poems to be studied:
1. Silappathikaaram
2. Kamba Ramayanam
3. Iratchanya Yaathrigam
 Mozhipeyarpu paadalgal
Vallaththol Paadalgal
 Palsuvai Paadalgal(all Six Poems)

5. Prose
Tamil Text Book for Class X (Prose Portion) (2003 Edition)
Published byTamilnadu Text Book Society, Chennai
Lessons to be studied:

6. Non-detailed study: (Pain Tamizhum Pazhagu Tamizhum)
Prescribed book: Tamil Thunaipaadanool of Class X (2004 Edition)
Published byTamilnadu Text Book Society, Chennai
Short Stories to be Taught/Studied (6-10 Stories)
6. Sondha Veedu R Soodamani
7. Vidivadharrkul Ashokamithran
8. Appavu Kannakkil35 Rupai Pirabanjan
9. Velai Vandhuvittadhu Earvaadi Radha Krishna
10. Mannaasaai Solai Sundara Perumal



1. Applied Grammar:
(A) (i) A detailed knowledge ofthe following: Telugu
Sandhulu Akara, Ikara, Ukara, Sandulu;
Gasadadavadesa Sandhi, Pumpvadesa
Sandhi: Amredita Sandhulu, Rugagama
Sandhulu Padvadi Sandhi, Dvirukta
Takara Sandhi
(ii) Prosody; Champakamala, Utpalamala, Mattebham,
(iii) Alankaras - Figures of Speech - Upama &
(iv) Samasas - Dwandva, Dvigu, Bahuvrihi & Rupaka
(B) Idioms and Proverbs
(The most Common and popular ones in use)

2. Composition
(i) Essay
connected with social,
family and School life and on current topics
(ii) Letter writing (Personal, Official and Business letter)
3. Comprehension of an unseen prose passage  

1. Prose
Telugu Vachakamu (Class X)
Published by Government of Andhra Pradesh,
(New Edition first published 1998)

Lessons to be studied:
1. Bondu Mallelu (Kathanika) Chaganti Somayajulu
2. Ampakalu (Galpika) Kodawatiganti Kutumba Rao
3. Rangasthalam pai Samaya Sphurthi (Hasya Rasa Pradhana Vyasam)
- Sthanam Narasimha Rao
4. Na Vishayam (Atmakatha) - Sangam Lakshmi Bai
5. Uta Padalu Vyardha padalu Sahitya Vimarsa Vyasam - Tapi Dharmarao
6. AmbedkarVyaktitwam (Jeevita Charitra) - Boyi Vijaya Bharati

2. Poetry
Telugu Vachakamu (Class X)
Published by Government of Andhra Pradesh
(New Edition First Published in 1998).

Poems to be studied:
1. Mathru Hridayam (Itihasa Kavita) - Nannayya
2. Pravaruni Swagatam (Prabandha Kavita) - Peddana
3. Subhashitalu - Vividha Kavulu
4. Sandesam (adhunika padyam) - Tummala Seetarama MurthyChoudhary
5. Orugallu (Geya Kavita) - Puttaparthy Narayana Charyulu
6. Street Children (Vachana Kavita) - Maheja Been

3. Non-Detailed Study
Telugu Upavachakamu-Prathama
Bhasha Baristar Parvateesam
Published by : Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad (New Edition First Published -1998)
One Essay type question on context character and event.


  1. Life Science
  2. Life processes: "living being". Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals.
  3. Control and co-ordination in animals and plants: Tropic movements in plants; Introduction to plant hormones; control and co-ordination in animals : nervous system; voluntary, involuntary and reflex action, chemical co-ordination: animal hormones.
  4. Reproduction: Reproduction in animal and plants (asexual and sexual) reproductive health-need for and methods of family planning. safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Child bearing and women's health.
  5. Heridity and evolution: Heredity; Mendel's contribution- Laws for inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief introduction; Basic concepts of evolution.
  6. Regional environment: Big dams : advantages and limitations; alternatives if any. Water harvesting. Sustainability of natural resources.
  7. environment: Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.
  8. Physical Science
  9. Chemical reactions: Chemical equation, Balanced chemical equation, implications of a balanced chemical equation, types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction.
  10. Acids, bases and salts: Their definitions in terms of furnishing of H+ and OH- ions, General properties, examples and uses, concept of pH scale(Definition relating to logarithm not required), importance of pH in everyday life; preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, Bleaching powder, Baking soda, Washing soda and Plaster of Paris.
  11. Metals and non metals: Properties of metals and non-metals, reactivity series, formation and properties of ionic compounds, basic metallurgical processes, corrosion and its prevention.
  12. Electric current, potential difference and electric current. Ohm's law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors and its applications in daily life. Heating effect of electric current and its applications in daily life. Electric power, Inter relation between P, V, I and R.
  13. Magnetic effects of current: Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying conductor, field due to current carrying coil or solenoid; Force on current carrying conductor, Fleming's left hand rule. Electromagnetic induction. Induced potential difference, Induced current. Fleming's Right Hand Rule, Direct current. Alternating current : frequency of AC. Advantage of AC over DC. Domestic electric circuits.
  14. Sources of energy: Different forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of energy: fossil fuels, solar energy; biogas; wind, water and tidal energy; nuclear energy. Renewable versus non-renewable sources.
  15. Carbon compounds: Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon. Homologous series Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes and alkynes), difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uses), soaps and detergents.
  16. Periodic classification of elements: Need for classification, Modern periodic table, gradation in properties, valency, atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties.
  17. Reflection of light at curved surfaces, Images formed by spherical mirrors, centre of curvature, principal axis, principal focus, focal length, mirror formula (Derivation not required), magnification.
  18. Refraction; laws of refraction, refractive index.
  19. Refraction of light by spherical lens, Image formed by spherical lenses, Lens formula (Derivation not required), Magnification. Power of a lens; Functioning of a lens in human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses.
  20. Refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, applications in daily life.

Social Science

  1. (a) Contrast between the form of industrialization in Britain and India. (b) Relationship between handicrafts and industrial production, formal and informal sectors. (c) Livelihood of workers.
  2. (a) Patterns of urbanization (b) Migration and the growth of towns. (c) Social change and urban life. (d) Merchants, middle classes, workers and urban poor.
  3. (a) Expansion and integration of the world market in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. (b) Trade and economy between the two Wars. (c) Shifts after the 1950s. (d) Implications of globalization for livelihood patterns
  4. (a) The history of print in Europe. (b) The growth of press in nineteenth century India. (c) Relationship between print culture, public debate and politics.
  5. Emergence of the novel as a genre in the west. (b) The relationship between the novel and changes in modern society. (c) Early novels in nineteenth century India.
  6. (a) The growth of nationalism in Europe after the 1830s. (b) The ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini, etc. (c) General characteristics of the movements in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Germany and Greece.
  7. Factors Leading to Growth of Nationalism in India (a) French colonialism in Indo-China. (b) Phases of struggle against the French. (c) The ideas of Phan Dinh Phung, Phan Boi Chau, Nguyen Ac Quoc (d) The second world war and the liberation struggle. (e) America and the second Indo-China war.
  8. (a) First world war, Khilafat, Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement. (b) Salt Satyagraha. (c) Movements of peasants, workers, tribals. (d) Activities of different political groups. 
  9. Types - natural and human; Need for resource planning, natural resources, land as a resource, soil types and distribution; changing land-use pattern; land degradation and conservation measures.
  10. Types and distribution, depletion of flora and fauna; conservation and protection of forest and wild life.
  11. Sources, distribution, utilisation, multi-purpose projects, water scarcity, need for conservation and management, rainwater harvesting.
  12. Types of farming, major crops, cropping pattern, technological and institutional reforms; their impact; contribution of Agriculture to national economy - employment and output.
  13. Types of minerals, distribution, use and economic importance of minerals, conservation, types of power resources: conventional and nonconventional, distributionand utilization, and conservation.
  14. Types, spatial distribution, contributionof industries to the national economy, industrial pollution and degradation of environment, measures to control degradation.
  15. Why and how is power shared in democracies? How has federal division of power in India helped national unity? To what extent has decentralisation achievedthis objective? How does democracy accommodate different social groups?
  16. Are divisions inherent to the working of democracy? What has been the effect of caste on politics and of politics on caste? How has the gender division shaped politics? How do communal divisions affect democracy?
  17. How do struggles shape democracy in favour of ordinary people? What role do political parties playin competition and contestation? Which are the major national and regional parties in India? Why have social movements come to occupy large role in politics?
  18. Can or should democracy be judged by its outcomes? What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracies? Does democracy in India meet these expectations? Has democracy led to development, security and dignity for the people? What sustains democracy in India? 
  19. Is the idea of democracy shrinking? What are the major challenges to democracy in India? How can democracy be reformed and deepened? What role can an ordinary citizen play in deepening democracy?
  20. The traditional notion of development; National Income and Per-capita Income. Growth of NI - critical appraisal of existing development indicators (PCI, IMR, SR and other income and health indicators) The need for health and educational development; Human Development Indicators (in simple and brief as a holistic measure of development.
  21. Sectors of Economic Activities; Historical change in sectors; Rising importance of tertiary sector; Employment Generation; Division of SectorsOrganised and Unorganised; Protective measures for unorganised sector workers.
  22. Role of money in an economy: Historical origin; Formal and Informal financial institutions for Savings and Credit - General Introduction; Select one formal institution such as a nationalized commercial bank and a few informal institutions; Local money lenders, landlords, self help groups, chit funds and private finance companies.
  23. What is Globalisation (through some simple examples); How India is being globalised and why; Development Strategy prior to 1991. State Control of Industries : Textile goods as an example for elaboration; Economic Reforms 1991; Strategies adopted in Reform measures (easing of capital flows; migration, investment flows); Different perspectives on globalisation and its impact on different sectors; Political Impact of globalisation.
  24. How consumer is exploited (one or two simple case studies) factors causing exploitation of consumers; Rise of consumer awareness; how a consumer should be in a market; role of government in consumer protection.
  25. Disaster Management

(Through Formative Assessment only)
Tsunami, Safer Construction Practices, Survival Skills, Alternate Communication systems during disasters, Sharing Responsibility

  1. REAL NUMBERS:- Euclid's division lemma, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic - statements after reviewing work done earlier and after illustrating and motivating through examples, Proofs of results - irrationality of √2, √3, √5, decimal expansions of rational numbers in terms of terminating/non-terminating recurring decimals.
  2. POLYNOMIALS:- Zeros of a polynomial. Relationship between zeros and coefficients of quadratic polynomials. Statement and simple problems on division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients.

Pair of linear equations in two variables and their graphical solution. Geometric representation of different possibilities of solutions/inconsistency. 
Algebraic conditions for number of solutions. Solution of a pair of linear equations in two variables algebraically - by substitution, by elimination and by cross multiplication method. Simple situational problems must be included. Simple problems on equations reducible to linear equations.


Definitions, examples, counter examples of similar triangles.

  1. (Prove) If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
  2. (Motivate) If a line divides two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, the line is parallel to the third side.
  3. (Motivate) If in two triangles, the corresponding angles are equal, their corresponding sides are proportional and the triangles are similar.
  4. (Motivate) If the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, their corresponding angles are equal and the two triangles are similar.
  5. (Motivate) If one angle of a triangle is equal to one angle of another triangle and the sides including these angles are proportional, the two triangles are similar.
  6. (Motivate) If a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the right angle of a right triangle to the hypotenuse, the triangles on each side of the perpendicular are similar to the whole triangle and to each other.
  7. (Prove) The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares on their corresponding sides.
  8. (Prove) In a right triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.
  9. (Prove) In a triangle, if the square on one side is equal to sum of the squares on the other two sides, the angles opposite to the first side is a right traingle.
  10. INTRODUCTION TO TRIGONOMETRY:- Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle of a right-angled triangle. Proof of their existence (well defined); motivate the ratios, whichever are defined at 0° and 90°. Values (with proofs) of the trigonometric ratios of 30°, 45° and 60°. Relationships between the ratios.
  11. TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES:- Proof and applications of the identity sin2A + cos2A = 1. Only simple identities to be given. Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles.
  12. STATISTICS:- Mean, median and mode of grouped data (bimodal situation to be avoided). Cumulative frequency graph.
  13. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS:- Standard form of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0, (a ≠ 0). Solution of the quadratic equations (only real roots) by factorization, by completing the square and by using quadratic formula. Relationship between discriminant and nature of roots. 
  14. ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS:- Motivation for studying Arithmetic Progression Derivation of the nth term and sum of the first n terms of A.P. and their application in solving daily life problems.
  15. CIRCLES:- Tangents to a circle motivated by chords drawn from points coming closer and closer to the point.
  16. (Prove) The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
  17. (Prove) The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to circle are equal.
  19. Division of a line segment in a given ratio (internally).
  20. Tangent to a circle from a point outside it.
  21. Construction of a triangle similar to a given triangle.
  22. HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES:- Simple and believable problems on heights and distances. Problems should not involve more than two right triangles. Angles of elevation / depression should be only 30°, 45°, 60°.
  23. PROBABILITY:- Classical definition of probability. Simple problems on single events (not using set notation).
  24. LINES (In two-dimensions):- Concepts of coordinate geometry, graphs of linear equations. Distance formula. Section formula (internal division). Area of a triangle.
  25. AREAS RELATED TO CIRCLES:- Motivate the area of a circle; area of sectors and segments of a circle. Problems based on areas and perimeter / circumference of the above said plane figures. (In calculating area of segment of a circle, problems should be restricted to central angle of 60°, 90° and 120° only. Plane figures involving triangles, simple quadrilaterals and circle should be taken.)
  27. Problems on finding surface areas and volumes of combinations of any two of the following: cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinders/cones. Frustum of a cone.
  28. Problems involving converting one type of metallic solid into another and other mixed problems. (Problems with combination of not more than two different solids be taken.)

Computer Science

    • Computer Fundamental
    • Networking and Telecommunication
    • Internet and Its Services
    • Computer Security
    • Computer Virus
    • Introduction of Language
    • Basic of QBASIC, C & C++ Language